Response to Racial Inequity and Social Injustice

Evanston Fourth of July Association

We stand with freedom loving citizens, and the black and brown community who have suffered and died at the hands of police brutality, blatant racism and violence. We call out the names George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor, who have paid with their lives for the racial inequity and social injustice that manifests itself in this Country.

These are difficult times and as carriers of the ideals of independence, freedom and liberty, we add our voice for equal justice and racial equality. This Nation needs to acknowledge racism is a systemic problem and law enforcement must carry out its responsibility of equal justice for all.

Our country was formed on July 4, 1776 when we tossed off the tyranny of the King of England, who had his knee on our collective necks.  The Declaration of Independence made freedom as a worldwide phenomenon possible. It was new, unique, bold and effective, and it took the Revolutionary War to prove. The Declaration of Independence states “… all men are created equal…” Unfortunately, full equality didn’t make it into the Constitution, which was ratified 13 years later in 1789 and it took the Civil War to fix it.  Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, marks the end of slavery, and our Nation finally lived up to our promise as a beacon to free nations around the world.

The theme for our 2020 celebration is COMMUNITY UNITED CANNOT BE DIVIDED. It is a socially responsible theme and what we believe in. It was selected before COVID-19 and the current social unrest started. Our goal is to bridge divides and heal wounds through uniting our community together in celebration of liberty and justice for all.

Here is a summary of the Declaration of Independence and which is still most appropriate for this season in our County.

Our Declaration of Independence was adopted July 4, 1776 to announce and explain the separation from Great Britain.

The first paragraph, “When in the Course of human Events . . .” states the general causes for separation.

The second paragraph begins “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Then 27 “Facts” against the King of England (George III) are listed with the 15th Fact being “For protecting them (armed troops), by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:”

After these 27 Facts, the third paragraph states “Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.”

The fourth paragraph is about the warnings to the British brethren who have been “…deaf to the voice of justice …”

The fifth and final paragraph announces separation in order to form Free and Independent states; and ends with “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

Then the 56 delegates who unanimously voted to approve the document signed it at the bottom.

To conclude our vision for the Country, we pray for peaceful resolution to the issues that plague us.  We know most protesters are not looters but only a few.  We also know most police are not abusive but only a few.  The irony is each group needs the other to bring the ideals of this republic to reality.  We call for unity as when our Nation was formed.  We seek justice to rule the land.  May we see peace and hope in abundance.  Let our hearts and minds believe “love wins”.  

We will work to have our 2020 theme become reality: COMMUNITY UNITED CANNOT BE DIVIDED. 

Evanston Fourth of July Association

Approved 6-9-20

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